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Zeta Phi Beta Sorority's Auxiliaries

Zeta Amicae

As early as 1940, graduate chapters of Zeta Phi Beta had begun to realize the importance of the prestige, good will, and cooperation of women who for various reasons were not members of any Greek-letter organization.


The "Boosters"in Louisville, Kentucky, the "Zeta Court" in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the "Zeta Mothers" in Los Angeles, California, and perhaps others were among the successful active auxiliaries attached to Zeta chapters and the communities and served as incentives for other cities to attempt similar organizations.


Early in 1948, there was such a group organized in Omaha, Nebraska, and they chose the Latin name, Amicae (friends). At the same time other groups were being organized over the country, and it was apparent that Zetas favored the auxiliaries.


The Grand Basileus, Lullelia Harrison, included in her report to the 1948 Boule' a recommendation that chapters be allowed to organize auxiliaries under direction of the national body and that all such auxiliaries be known as Zeta Amicae. The recommendation was adopted.


In the first decade of their history, charters were granted to a number of chapters, and some have organized auxiliaries but have not yet requested charters for them. The first chapter to request a charter was Lambda Zeta in Houston, Texas.


It is hoped that the decades to follow will see every graduate chapter of Zeta with an active auxiliary of Zeta Amicae, and that this handbook will serve as a guide for the establishment of new groups and the successful operation of all of them.

Youth Auxiliaries

Highly engaged, hands-on empowering activities are provided in all tracks to extend learning experiences well beyond the classroom and provide self-esteem, academic achievement, seedlings for budding business owners, community and governmental leadership, social and service projects, as well as interest in being a future Zeta.


Archonettes are high school-aged young ladies who demonstrate an interest in the goals and the ideals of scholarship, sisterly love, and community service. Archonette groups are affiliated through local chapters.


Amicettes are girls 9 to 13 years of age who are willing to strive toward the high ideals of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority and who demonstrate the potential for leadership in service to the community. Amicettes are affiliated through local chapters.


Pearlettes are girls under 9 years old who are mentored by ladies of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. to become outstanding leaders in their community.

Zeta Male Network

Zeta Male Network is a network of distinguished and honorable husbands, fathers, brothers, and friends who support the purpose and work of Zetas and serve as resources for future generations of leaders. Its purpose is to serve as role models and leaders in the community. Within this assembly of men; chivalry is still very much alive and they have perfected the art of guiding young male and females to make good decisions. It is comforting to know Zeta Network men are visible mentors who are ready and willing to help the sorority accomplish their many service projects, as well as help young people, build a strong future.

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